“They pay me to be strong – mentally and physically. So how can I even admit to harbouring the fears that are holding me back?”
As a professional athlete working on the international circuit for 15 years, I asked myself this question any number of times.
But, what if we could turn that around, and use the power of these emotions positively? And so I gained a degree in psychology and completed courses in transformational coaching. Today I practice as a Sport Achievement Coach.
Now, I offer you an hour in confidence, for free and without commitment.
I represented Colombia in our National Volleyball Team from age 15 to 36.
My 15 year career as a pro athlete took me to play in countries like Italy, the United States, Thailand, Spain, France, Germany, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Switzerland.
I help pro athletes achieve, by discovering
their fears come from
the emotion is there, and
to work with and through it, while continuously
I am a Transformational Life Coach certified with Coaching Minds following completion of their 165 hour Practitioner Level 5 Programme Accredited by the EMCC.
With her coaching I was able to gain insights into many aspects of my life.
I recommend Lorena to anybody who wants to see a lasting change in their lives.
I have a BA in Psychology from Fresno Pacific University USA.
I studied Life Coaching at the Scuola di Prometeo Coaching Italy.
I am here to build a world where pro athletes can openly talk about their fears without the stigma or the stereotype that they need to be perfect and unstoppable.
Excellent professional Athlete and Coach
Lorena is sweet, sincere, and ready to help anyone.
My goal is to increase
about fear and how to
with it instead of trying to fight it, while supporting athletes to achieve their optimal
Lorena made me understand so much about myself, my possibilities, my strengths and how to work on my mistakes of the past to avoid them in the future.
Strongly recommended!
Let me know how I can help you. The simplest thing is to book a free introductory call directly in my diary at a time to suit you.
Not ready for that yet or have queries? Send me a message.
Either way, I look forward to meeting you working with you, and to cheering your future sport achievement.
First of all: I will say what it isn’t – I’m not like a team coach, I won’t be setting you an exercise regime. And nor is my coaching like therapy. I don’t start from the assumption that you have a problem or look for a diagnosis in your past.
I will work with you to find your inner mental strengths and maximise them. Together, we will discover what is holding you back. And thirdly, we find ways that you can use this awareness and those emotions positively to improve your game – and then improve it more.
There may be insights, there will certainly be work, and there will be results that will apply not only to your sports career but to your whole outlook on life.
“They pay me to be strong – mentally and physically. So how can I even admit to harbouring the fears that are holding me back?”
As a professional athlete working on the international circuit for 15 years, I asked myself this question any number of times.
But, what if we could turn that around, and use the power of these emotions positively? And so I gained a degree in psychology and completed courses in transformational coaching. Today I practice as a Sport Achievement Coach.
Now, I offer you an hour in confidence, for free and without commitment.
I represented Colombia in our National Volleyball Team from age 15 to 36.
My 15 year career as a pro athlete took me to Italy, the United States, Thailand, Spain, France, Germany, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Switzerland.
I help pro athletes achieve, by discovering
their fears come from
the emotion is there, and
to work with and through it, while continuously
I am a Transformational Life Coach certified with Coaching Minds following completion of their 165 hour Practitioner Level 5 Programme accredited by the EMCC.
With her coaching I was able to gain insights into many aspects of my life.
I recommend Lorena to anybody who wants to see a lasting change in their lives.
I have a BA in Psychology from Fresno Pacific University USA.
I studied Life Coaching at the Scuola di Prometeo Coaching Italy.
I am here to build a world where pro athletes can openly talk about their fears without the stigma or the stereotype that they need to be perfect and unstoppable.
Excellent professional Athlete and Coach
Lorena is sweet, sincere, and ready to help anyone.
My goal is to increase
about fear and how to
with it instead of trying to fight it, while supporting athletes to achieve their optimal
Lorena made me understand so much about myself, my possibilities, my strengths and how to work on my mistakes of the past to avoid them in the future.
Strongly recommended!
Let me know how I can help you. The simplest thing is to book a free introductory call directly in my diary at a time to suit you.
Not ready for that yet or have queries? Send me a message.
Either way, I look forward to meeting you working with you, and to cheering your future sport achievement.
First of all: I will say what it isn’t – I’m not like a team coach, I won’t be setting you an exercise regime. And nor is my coaching like therapy. I don’t start from the assumption that you have a problem or look for a diagnosis in your past.
I will work with you to find your inner mental strengths and maximise them. Together, we will discover what is holding you back. And thirdly, we find ways that you can use this awareness and those emotions positively to improve your game – and then improve it more.
There may be insights, there will certainly be work, and there will be results that will apply not only to your sports career but to your whole outlook on life.
I work in collaboration with organisations dedicated to helping sportspeople.
Click on the links above to find out more.