Is Fear Holding you Back?

At times have you felt that subtle but persistent fear creeping in before a big match, making you question your own abilities just moments before the whistle blows?

Group Coaching

Are the members of your team great individually, but need to gain mental strength and coordination in a team context?

Overthinking it?

Ever find yourself questioning if you’re truly capable, right before a crucial game or competition?

Are you Reaching your Potential?

Always wonder why your exceptional skills in practice seem to take an unexpected hiatus when it comes to the real deal on the field?


Programs are available for individuals or teams. A program is an extended coaching path. Often, athletes gain a broader understanding of themselvesafter attending a Program, this makes accessing an One-to-One Mental Coaching program easier.

Boot Camps

Boot camps focus on one topic and offer tools that will assist athletes in overcoming their current situations. Those who want to learn more about a specific topic can use these short programs. This is the first step towards defining more in-depth the areas where athletes would benefit from individual coaching. Boot Camps are intense, focused, and transformative. Here’s why they’re effective: Boot camps are intense, transformative, and rewarding. They drive participants to fully engage and commit to their personal and team development.

Group Coaching

A 60 minutes group session designed to connect athletes in different geographical locations. Designed to help athletes by sharing their own experiences to identify, and develop opportunities based on their str engths, and capabilities. Services are delivered face to face or through Skype/Zoom/Google Meet.


Sports coaching one-to-one is a 60-minute session, the focus is on identifying and developing opportunities based on the athlete’s strengths and capabilities, to help her/him achieve their peak performance. Services are delivered face to face or through Skype/Zoom/Google Meet.


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